Pile of Bile!”
“Can you sue your government?”
Why not try it???
I encourage you to read the material in this section
and draw your own conclusions as to whether the United States Health Care
System did everything they could to spare us from the suffering and indignities
of “ Adhesion Related Disorder!”
I also invite you to use any of the material
found in this web site, be it to initiate a lawsuit, or to secure medical
intervention or Social Security benefits…you ARE entitled to this information,
and deserving to use it as you choose!
If you think that the material contained in this
section is simply MY “Pile of Bile” and history, your wrong! All of these
issues continue to exists today regarding the “secrecy” surrounding post
surgical adhesions and our national healthcare system and surgeons, who
pretend ignorance in the symptoms of adhesions continues today as well!
Though medical intervention for the symptoms
of ARD remains VERY limited, surgeons are aware of those symptoms and they
have been aware since 1934!
Even if surgeons think they cannot offer physical
resolutions to our symptoms, they most certainly can discuss the probability
that our presenting symptoms could be the result of our surgical history
and offer us a peace of mind instead of sending us into a whirlwind of
confusion, self doubt and additional suffering!
I challenge anyoneto
prove me wrong in my opinions as addressed in this material!
August 15, 2001
Communications with the Vice Admiral Dr.
Richard Carmona,
the Surgeon General of the United States,
Communications with the Vice Admiral Dr.
Richard Carmona,
the Surgeon General of the United States,
letter to the "Vice Admiral Dr. Richard Carmona," January 7, 2002
January 7, 2002
Beverly J. Doucette
International Adhesion Society
Patient Advocate
2314 Carney Avenue
Marinette, Wisconsin 54143
Dr. David Satcher, M.D.
United States Surgeon General
Secretary of U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
c/o Ms. Brenda Door
Subject: ICD9-CM Code for
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
My name is Beverly Doucette (aka Bev).
I am an Independent Patient Advocate for people who suffer the indignities
of post surgical adhesions. I would like to thank the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services for taking the initiative to recognize and
question the impact of Adhesion Related
Disorder(ARD) in the United States.
As a person, who sufferers from the consequences of post surgical adhesions
- as well as having had 7 operations for adhesion-related conditions -
I am well aware of the need for an ICD9-CM code for the "APPLICATION OF
I am also very aware of the increase in the incidence
of post surgical adhesions and the impact it is having in our society today!
I am not going to take the time to share my personal struggle with Adhesion
Related Disorder (ARD); because I think you are familiar with
the symptoms and struggles of ARD sufferers as they exist in our country
today. My story is no different than the ARD stories of others;so
rather than share my story with you, I prefer to share what I think will
benefit those affected by ARD.
I have assisted other ARD sufferers throughout
the world in their search for the highest quality medical intervention
available to them; and what I have learned, will offer you
a better understanding of why securing this ICD9-CM code is so vitally
important! Considering my personal experience with ARD and my background
as a registered nurse, I understand and recognize the need for the ICD9-CM
code. If I understand the need for this code, you can be assured
that other citizens of the United States understand it as well; and
they are questioning why an ICD9-CM code has not been established sooner
- to afford them the opportunity to secure the highest quality medical
intervention available in this country. Yet, because this ICD9-CM
code did not exist, they have been denied the opportunity to get as well
as one might get while suffering from ARD. I am of the opinion that
this is an inexcusable act of negligence by the U. S. Government. It is
impossible for this to be an oversight; because the sheer magnitude of
information within the U. S. Government - regarding post surgical adhesions
- is staggering .
It has been my experience that the United States
seriously lags behind many other countries in recognizing the impact ARD
has on our society; and it has made no effort to decrease the ever-
rising costs associated with the numbers of repeated surgical procedures
being performed by surgeons for post surgical adhesions. The failure
to recognize adhesiolysis procedures as being one of the most commonly
performed surgical procedures performed in the USA today, leads to a lack
of responsible medical intervention for the victims - whose lives are
impacted by adhesions; and it deliberately imposes ever-rising
medical costs on taxpayers!
I have communicated with people from the Ukraine,
who are able to present to a medical care provider and receive recognition
of the disabilities that ARD causes. This same recognition of ARD
is evident in other countries throughout Europe. The recognition
of ARD allows the use of adhesion barriers in surgical procedures
for ALL citizens of countries such as the Ukraine, Germany, the Netherlands,
Sweden, Belgium, Australia - as well as many other countries where medical
care is provided through the government.
Those same ARD sufferers have the opportunity
to receive a much better quality of medical intervention than their counterparts
here in the so-called "progressive" USA. The recognition
of post surgical adhesions as a disabling disorder - and taking the
initiative, at the very least, to assume responsibility for ARD
in these other countries - offers these countries the opportunity to
reduce the incidence of repeated surgery for adhesions. As a result,
these countries are able to reduce personal suffering from adhesion related
disorder; and ultimately they are able to offer a reduction in medical
costs to their government.
[ BEV: Upon request, I can submit substantiation
of this information.]
As a taxpayer, I hold not only the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) - but also other departments (who
have anything to do with healthcare) within the U. S. Government - responsible
for their awareness of the reasons for the rapidly rising costs of healthcare
in this country. The responsibility is theirs to provide the highest
quality medical intervention available today for our citizens when it is
Post surgical adhesions create an increasing burden
on our tax dollars. We know that all too well. I am sure that the
rising cost of healthcare is one of the issues the CMS is taking into consideration
- as the CMS ponders the necessity for this IDC9-CM code.
You are to
be commended in recognizing this - as well as taking the initiative
to secure that code in the USA for the sake of increasing the quality of
life for our citizens! Surgical intervention with the use of adhesion
barriers could very well be the answer to reducing costs incurred by so
many repeated surgeries.
It remains a curiosity to me - and a bit of a
sore spot - that the incidence of adhesion formation as the direct result
of certain surgical procedures and the increasing number of those surgeries
has been recognized within the medical arena for many decades. Yet, no
IDC9-CM code exits to recognize adhesions as being the major medical problem
that they are; and there is no ICD9-CM code to diagnose them.
Take a look at the following report - which dates back to 1932 - regarding
a study done on post surgical adhesions! Then review the medical
reports issued years later...
Dr. Ketan R Vagholkar, practicing
Surgeon Fracture and Accident Hospital, Thane-400602
Vick, in 1932,
reported that adhesions accounted for 7% of all cases of intestinal
obstructions.(35) During the last few decades the leading cause of
intestinal obstruction was strangulated external hernia. The overall incidence
of adhesive intestinal obstruction is 30% as shown in studies conducted
by Nemir, Perry, Bevan and McEntree, (2), (23),(26) Subsequent studies
have revealed a steady rise in the incidence of intestinal obstruction
to the present day incidence of about 40%. (2)
Various studies have been carried out to assess
the severity of problems posed by adhesions. Webel and Majno carried
out a study in a post mortem series to find out the incidence of adhesions.
(21, 22) In cadavers with no preceding abdominal surgery, adhesions
were found in 28% and in those that had minor abdominal surgery 67%
had adhesions. (21, 22) With other abdominal surgery
the report incidence was 50%. If major surgery had been performed,
were present in 76% and in cases of multiple surgery
had adhesions. (18)
INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION - Dr. Ketan R. Vagholkar, practicing Surgeon Fracture
and Accident Hospital, Thane-400602
[ Bev: Full report available.]
- - - -
When we look at the above medical report about adhesions - and we look
at more recent reports on the incidence of adhesions (included below) -
be the etiology due to post surgical or traumatic adhesion formation, the
real issue here is that there have been NO changes in these reports that
would reflect action on the part of those who sit in government positions.
Government officials could have intervened and created changes in the best
interest of people who suffer adhesions. As the result of no change,
the cost to the U.S. Government has been staggering, which equates
to lack of concern by government officials in how OUR tax dollars are spent!
In fact, the only change that has occurred
- within the time span of the reports that I have included in this letter
- was that the incidence of surgeries in the United States increased!
increase of surgeries - that resulted in adhesion formation and reformation
of adhesions - increased enough so that
procedures rival appendectomies, hip replacements
(and though I only surmise this, adhesiolysis
procedures are probably performed MORE than tonsillectomies!)
All anyone needs to do - even the untrained medical
person - is to review the material in this letter; and they will
be able to conclude that it is only common
sense to secure this ICD9-CM code.
(There are a total of 10 reports
- included in the above report.)
Bev: Let's take a look at
a few more medical reports regarding the incidence of surgeries that lead
to adhesion formation. In the following report NOT
ONE WORD is mentioned about post surgical adhesions!!
2.) AHCPR Funding Studies
on Hysterectomy vs. Alternative Treatment for Uterine Conditions
Press Release Date: October 31, 1996
The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) today announced
the start of three research projects to determine the outcomes of surgery
versus other treatments for dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), as well
as patient treatment preferences for women with endometriosis, chronic
pelvic pain, fibroids, uterine prolepses or DUB.
Each year in the United States, 590,000 women have hysterectomies
for various conditions. The majority of hysterectomies are performed
before menopause, often for abnormal uterine bleeding. U.S.
hysterectomy rates are much higher than in other Western nations;
and rates vary by geographic region, ethnicity and socioeconomic status.
Although alternative treatments are available, there is little data that
compares these treatments to hysterectomy, or various types of hysterectomy
to each other. This lack of information makes it more difficult for
women to choose the best treatment option.
The following studies resulted from a "Request For Application" issued
by AHCPR March 1. The total amount of the awards is $17.4
million over five years. The studies are:
· Surgical Treatments Outcomes Project for
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding. Principal Investigator Kay Dickersin, University
of Maryland at Baltimore. Grant No. HS09506. 1996-2001.
The purpose of this study is to determine the equivalence
of two therapies for DUB—hysterectomy and endometrial ablation—using two
randomized controlled trials. The study will examine the natural history
of DUB, the effectiveness of treatment and cost.
· MEDTEP Study on Hysterectomy and Dysfunctional
Uterine Bleeding. Principal Investigator Sarah E. Fowler. Case-Western/Henry
Ford Health Sciences Center, Detroit, Mich. Grant No. HS09502. 1996-2001.
Using collaborative, multisite, randomized controlled
trials, this study will compare the effectiveness, relative costs and patient
outcomes of hysterectomy, endometrial ablation and hormone therapy for
women with dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
· Medicine Or Surgery? Principal Investigator
Stephen B. Hulley, University of California at San Francisco. Grant No.
HS09478. 1996-2001.
The study will run two randomized controlled trials: one
to compare the effects (including quality of life) and costs of medical
therapy versus hysterectomy; the other to compare the effects of supracervical
versus total hysterectomy on function and well-being in women who undergo
abdominal hysterectomy. The study also will determine rates and patient
preferences for management options for women with diagnoses of fibroids,
dysfunctinal uterine bleeding, chronic pelvic pain,
endometriosis or uterine prolapse.
For additional information contact, AHCPR PUBLIC AFFAIRS:
Karen Carp, (301) 549-0313: Karen Migdail, (301) 594-6120; or Salina Prasas,
(301) 549-6385.
Bev: This report is
interesting when you take into consideration that in the Vick
report of 1934 (See # 1.), "a major surgical procedure had one
of the second highest incidence of causing adhesion formation, only second
to multiple surgeries!" There is NOT ONE WORDabout
post surgical adhesive disease in this report!!
3.) Fact
sheet: Hysterectomy in the United States, 1980 - 1993
Frequency of Hysterectomy:
Approximately 600,000 hysterectomies are performed
each year in the United States at an estimated annual cost of more
than $5 billion. More than one-fourth of U.S. women will
have this procedure by thetime they are 60 years of age. Hysterectomy
is the second most frequent major surgical procedure among reproductive-aged
From 1980 through 1993, an estimated
8.6 million U.S. women had a hysterectomy.
Wanda K. Jones, Dr PH
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health (Women’s Health)
Director, Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Public Health Service
4.) Peritoneal
Closure in Obstetric and Gynecological Surgery 1996
Individual recommendations have been graded according to the level of
evidence on which they are based using the scheme endorsed by the NHS Executive:
1. Background
The traditional arguments for peritoneal closure have included, firstly,
restoring the anatomy and approximation of tissues for healing, secondly,
the re-establishment of a peritoneal barrier to reduce the risks of infection
and, thirdly, a reduction in the risk of wound herniation or dehiscence.
addition, peritoneal closure was thought to minimize adhesion formation.
On the other hand, there are arguments against peritoneal closure and
these have been summarized by Duffy and diZerega.1,2Firstly,
non-closure has not been observed to be detrimental, secondly, without
re-approximation the peritoneum heals rapidly and, thirdly, suture
presence and additional tissue handling may contribute to adhesion formation.
There appears to be a good physiological explanation for this. Buckman
et al3 showed that deperitonealised surfaces, which
have not been otherwise traumatised, heal without permanent adhesions
because they retain their ability to lyse fibrinous adhesions before organisation
can occur. Peritoneum which has been made ischaemic by grafting or tight
suturing not only loses its ability to lyse fibrin, but may actively inhibit
fibrinolysis by normal tissues.
2. Methodology
A review of the literature was undertaken to establish the evidence
for and against peritoneal closure in obstetric and gynaecological surgery.
This included a 10 year MedLine literature search, and a reference search
from review articles.4-6
3. Results
3.1 Pathophysiological studies
There is observational evidence that when left undisturbed, peritoneal
defects demonstrate mesothelial integrity within 48 hours and indistinguishable
healing with no scar formation in five days.3,7-11
3.2 Caesarean section RCTs
The question of closure of peritoneum at caesarean section was addressed
in four randomised controlled trials.12-15 In the
last two studies, a reduced need for postoperative analgesia and a quicker
return of bowel function was found when both visceral and parietal peritoneum14
or only the parietal peritoneum15 were left open.
The most recent randomised controlled trial13 found
shorter operating and anaesthesia times in patients receiving non-closure
of the visceral peritoneum. In addition, the incidence of febrile morbidity
and cystitis and the need for antibiotics and narcotics were all significantly
greater when the peritoneum was closed.13 The hospital
stay was significantly shorter after non-closure. Irion et al12
compared closure of both visceral and parietal peritoneum with non-closure.
Postoperative ileus resolved later in the closure group and the mean operative
time was shorter in the non-closure group.
These four trials have all been included in the Cochrane Systematic
Review.16 The review concludes that 'currently available
evidence raises questions concerning the routine use of peritoneal closure
as conventional practice in routine caesarean section' (Grade A recommendation).
3.3 Gynaecological surgery RCTs
Similar findings have been noted in randomised controlled trials carried
out in gynaecology. Kadanali et al17 and Than et al,18
in ovarian cancer surgery and cervical cancer surgery respectively, found
improved outcomes (reduced adhesions and reduced fever) where the
visceral peritoneum was left to heal on its own. In general gynaecology,
Lipscomb and co-workers19 found, in a randomised controlled
trial of peritoneal closure at vaginal hysterectomy, that there were no
differences in postoperative complications. Nagele et al 20
in a randomised controlled trial of closure or non-closure of the visceral
peritoneum in abdominal hysterectomy, found that the non-closure group
had a smaller number of postoperative complications.
It can be concluded that the data do not support the use of reperitonealisation
on a routine basis
(Grade A recommendation).
3.4 Other evidence (from observational studies and general surgical
Tulandi and co-workers11 did second-look operations
in a series of patients who had parietal peritoneal closure compared to
those without closure, and compared the findings to a control group of
infertile women with no history of abdominal surgery. The incidence of
in the two groups was not statistically significant with the incidence
being 22.2% in the peritoneal closure group and 15.8% in the group not
having peritoneal closure. In the control group of women who had never
had abdominal surgery, no patients were found to have adhesions
to the anterior abdominal wall.
There have been a number of studies carried out in general surgery
and the principle of non-closure of peritoneum has, for some time, been
recognised by general surgeons. For example, Gilbert and co-workers21
showed that it was unnecessary to close the peritoneum with a paramedian
incision. Hugh and co-workers22 found that single-layer
closure of a midline abdominal incision (superficial part of the rectus
sheath) was quicker and less costly and theoretically safer than layered
closure, and they recommended that separate suture of the peritoneum be
In another surgical study23 the records of women
who had been admitted with intestinal obstruction were examined. In this
unselected patient series, a history of gynaecological surgery was a significant
factor contributing to the occurrence of intestinal obstruction. They felt,
in addition, that surgical peritoneal closure may result in an increased
incidence of intestinal obstruction.
4. Recommendations
It would appear that the closure of peritoneal surfaces, even
with minimally reactive suture materials, results in increased tissue reaction
and may result in increased adhesion formation. Non-closure appears
to have few associated risks and may be recommended in many obstetric and
gynaecological operations. Surgeons abandoning closure should be no
less meticulous in other aspects of their craft.
1. Duffy D M, diZerega G S. Is peritoneal closure necessary?
Obstet Gynecol Surv 1994; 49:817-22.
2. diZerega G S, Duffy D M. Is peritoneal closure necessary?
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1996, PACE Review
No 96/02.
3. Buckman R F Jr, Buckman P D, Hufnagel H V, Gervin
A S. A physiologic basis for the adhesion-free healing of deperitonealized
surfaces. J Surg Res 1976; 21:67-76.
4. Nygaard I E, Squatrito R C. Abdominal incisions from
creation to closure. Obstet Gynecol Surv 1996; 51:429-36.
5. Rayburn W F, Schwartz W J 3rd. Refinements in performing
a cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol Surv 1996; 51:445-51.
6. Hankins G D V, Clark S L, Cunningham G, Gilstrap L
C (eds). Caesarean section. In: Operative Obstetrics, 1995. Appleton and
Langer, Connecticut, 301-32.
7. Elkins T E, Stovall T G, Warren J, Ling F W, Meyer
N L. A histological evaluation of peritoneal injury and repair: implications
for adhesion formation. Obstet Gynecol 1987; 70:225-8.
8. Ellis H. The aetiology of post operative abdominal
adhesions, an experimental study. Br J Surg 1962; 50:10
9. Ellis H, Heddle R. Does the peritoneum need to be
closed at laparotomy? Br J Surg 1977; 64:733-6
10. McFadden P M, Peacock E E Jr. Preperitoneal abdominal
wound repair: incidence of dehiscence. Am J Surg 1983; 145:213-4.
11. Tulandi T, Hum H S, Gelfand M M. Closure of laparotomy
incisions with or without peritoneal suturing and second-look laparoscopy.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 1988; 158:536-7.
12. Irion O, Luzuy F, Beguin F. Nonclosure of the visceral
and parietal peritoneum at caesarean section: a randomised controlled trial.
Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1996; 103:690-4.
13. Nagele F, Karas H, Spitzer D, Staudach A, Karasegh
S, Beck A, Husslein P. Closure or nonclosure of the visceral peritoneum
at caesarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996; 174:1366-70.
14. Hull D B, Varner M W. A randomized study of closure
of the peritoneum at cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol 1991; 77:818-21.
15. Pietrantoni M, Parsons M T, O'Brien W F, Collins
E, Knuppel R A, Spellacy W N. Peritoneal closure or non-closure at cesarean.
Obstet Gynecol 1991; 77:293-6.
16. Wilkinson C S, Enkin M W. Peritoneal non-closure
at Caesarean section. In: Neilson J P, Crowther C A, Hodnett E D, Hofmeyr
G J (eds). Pregnancy and Childbirth Module of The Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews, [updated 2 December 1997]. Available in The Cochrane
Library [database on disk and CDROM]. The Cochrane Collaboration; Issue
1. Oxford: Update Software; 1998. Updated quarterly.
17. Kadanali S, Erten O, Kucukozkan T. Pelvic and periaortic
peritoneal closure or non-closure at lymphadenectomy in ovarium cancer:
effects on morbidity and adhesion formation. Eur J Surg Oncol 1996; 22:282-5.
18. Than G N, Arany A A, Schunk E, Vizer M, Krommer K
F. Closure or non-closure of visceral peritoneums after abdominal hysterectomies
and Wertheim-Meigs radical abdominal hysterectomies. Acta Chir Hung 1994;
19. Lipscomb G H, Ling F W, Stovall T G, Summitt R L
Jr. Peritoneal closure at vaginal hysterectomy: a reassessment. Obstet
Gynecol 1996; 87:40-3.
20. Nagele F, Kurz C, Staudach A, Steiner H, Grunberger
W, Beck A, Husslein P. Closure or nonclosure of the visceral peritoneum
in abdominal hysterectomy. J Gynecol Surg 1995; 11:133-9.
21. Gilbert J M, Ellis H, Foweraker S. Peritoneal closure
after lateral paramedian incision. Br J Surg 1987; 74:113-5.
22. Hugh T B, Nankivell C, Meagher A P, Li B. Is closure
of the peritoneal layer necessary in the repair of midline surgical abdominal
wounds? World J Surg 1990; 14:231-3.
23. Stricker B, Blanco J, Fox H E. The gynecologic contribution
to intestinal obstruction in females. J Am Coll Surg 1994; 178:617-20.
24. Mann T. Clinical guidelines: using clinical guidelines
to improve patient care within the NHS, 1996. NHS Executive (Catalogue
No 96CC0001).
5.) Scars and Adhesions
Adhesions have been implicated as causing infertility,
intestinal obstruction, and chronic pelvic pain. Data suggests
that 67% to 93% of patients will develop adhesions following abdominal
surgery and 55% to 100% of patients will develop adhesions following
gynecologic surgery.3
1998 © Clear Passage Therapies,
December 2000 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 183, pp.
Hospital readmission due to complications
after hospital discharge was the factor most strongly and consistently
associated with women's reports of negative outcomes from hysterectomy.
For example, women who were readmitted to the hospital during the first
year after hysterectomy were 23 times more likely to report that the results
of the surgery were worse than they had expected, after adjustment for
all other factors. About 5.4 percent of women were readmitted at least
once to the hospital during the 2 years of follow up, and 4 percent were
readmitted during the first year. The
most common reasons for readmission were incision problems, surgery for
adhesions, intestinal blockage, and urinary tract problems.
For more information, see "Patient satisfaction with results
of hysterectomy," by Kristen H. Kjerulff, Ph.D., Julia C. Rhodes, Ph.D.,
Patricia W. Langenberg, Ph.D., and Lynn A. Harvey, in the December 2000
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 183, pp. 1440-1447.
7.) From:
Southern Medical Journal (2001)
Chronic Intermittent Intestinal Obstruction From a Seat Belt Injury
Janet R. Harrison, MD, Michael O. Blackstone, MD, Thomas Vargish, MD,
Arunas Gasparaitis, MD, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Chicago
Hospitals, Chicago, Ill
Most patients with intestinal
obstruction have had previous surgery. Rarely, the development of
adhesions and resulting small bowel obstruction is attributed to previous
intra-abdominal trauma. We present the case of a young
man, without a history of surgery, who had been a restrained driver in
a motor vehicle crash. Seven years later, the patient had an intermittent
partial small bowel obstruction that recurred over the next 5 years.
We review the pathophysiology and epidemiology of similar occurrences,
as well as diagnostic options.
[ South Med J 94(5):499-501, 2001. © 2001 Southern
Medical Association ]
Internationa Adhesions Society: The Magnitude of the Problem of Adhesions
The rate of adhesion
formation after surgery is surprising given the relative lack of
knowledge about adhesions among doctors and patients
alike. From autopsies on victims of traffic accidents,
Weibel and Majno (1973) found that 67% of patients
who had undergone surgery had adhesions. This number increased to
81% and 93% for patients with major and multiple procedures, respectively.
Similarly, Menzies and Ellis (1990) found that 93%
of patients who had undergone at least one previous abdominal operation
had adhesions, compared with only 10.4% of patients who had never
had a previous abdominal operation. Furthermore, 1%
of all laparotomies developed obstruction due to adhesions within one year
of surgery with 3% leading to obstruction at some time after surgery.
all cases of small bowel obstruction, 60-70% of cases involve adhesions
(Ellis, 1997).
Lastly, following surgical treatment of adhesions
causing intestinal obstruction, obstruction due to adhesion reformation
occurred in 11 to 21% of cases (Menzies, 1993).
Between 55 and 100% of patients undergoing pelvic
reconstructive surgery will form adhesions.
The impact of adhesions as a complication of surgery is huge.
In the United States (1993) 347,000 operations for lysis of peritoneal
adhesions were performed (Graves, 1995), of which about 100,000 involved
intestinal adhesions. Estimated another way, 446,000 procedures were
performed in the U.S. to lyse abdominopelvic adhesions in 1993 (HCIA, 1994).
In 1988, there were about 280,000 hospitalizations for adhesions, the
economic cost of which was estimated conservatively as $1.2 billion per
year (Fox Ray et al., 1993)
9.) Incidence of Pelvic Adhesions
The incidence of pelvic adhesions varies following reconstructive surgery.
Diamond et al noted an 86% incidence of pelvic adhesions at second-look
laparoscopy after reconstructive surgery. DeCherney and Mezer abserved
a 75% incidence of adhesions after the initial procedures at 4-16 weeks.
Surrey and Friedman noted a 71% incidence of adhesion formation.
When a subset of these patients were studied long-term, 83% of them had
adhesions. Pittaway et al found that all 23 of their patients had
adhesions. Trimbos-Kemper et al observed adhesions in 55% of their
patients. Finally, Daniell and Pittaway noted adhesion formation
in 96% of women at second look laparoscopy following reconstructive surgery.
It is important to note that the adhesions seen
in these studies represent not only adhesion reformation, but De Novo
adhesion formation as well.
[Bev: De Nova adhesions are reformed adhesions.]
Diamond MP. Surgical aspects of infertility. In: Sciarra JW, ed. Gynecology
and Obstetrics. Philadelphia, Pa: Harper & Row; 1988;5:chap 61.
Making and covering of surgical footprints (surgical adhesions). (Commentary)
Author/s: Lena Holmdahl
Issue: May 1, 1999
There is little doubt that abdominal adhesions form
in response to peritoneal trauma.
Although adhesions may result from events occurring during
fetal development, the vast majority can be directly
linked to surgery. However,
adhesions have not been widely held to be a surgical complication, even
though the impact of just one complication due to adhesions -- that
of small-bowel obstruction after colorectal surgery -- equals, or surpasses,
that of wound infection.1,2
( In part, full report on request
Bev: The ICD9-CM code IS
primarily for the use of adhesion barriers in a surgery and I agree that
is vital, if we are going to impact ARD in a progressive way and offer
opportunities that will help to benefit some adhesion sufferer and put
them on the road to a higher quality of life!
I see more possibilities for this ICD9-CM, as well. Once this
ICD9-CM code is approved, the doors will be open once again for the U.S.
Government to take a look at the impact that Adhesion
Related Disorder has on our society!! The acceptance of
this code will give those government officials (whom I mentioned earlier)
- who have the responsibility to make changes in our national health care
system - the opportunity to right a wrong!! Hopefully, these officials
will be compassionate, honest people with new and progressive attitudes
about the welfare of their consitituents!!
There is no doubt in my mind that this ICD9-CM code will be secured;
because it would be plain negligence for any national government agency
to ignore or deny that there is overwhelming evidence
that post surgical and traumatic adhesions are one of the most costly medical
expenses in the United States today!!!
Our government is experiencing a new generation of voters and tax payers,
who are better educated and better informed than ever before; because
ready access to information does not allow anything to be hidden from anyone
who looks for it today!
The word is already out regarding Adhesion
Related Disorder; and the facts surrounding
ARD will not disappear!! Governmental agencies and positions
will be held accountable for the health care needs of our nation's taxpayers.
to those needs must start now with the implementation of this new ICD9-CM
code for the application of adhesion barriers for adhesion protection!!
If it is not, someone will have to answer to why it wasn't implemented!!
If the governing bodies of our nation's health care system had heeded
reports - like those I have share with you (reports numbered 1-10)
- those who currently suffer from Adhesion Related
Disorder might have been spared the pain and anguish so many experience
today!! Reports show that our tax dollars have been spent on
government-funded health care programs; and these reports prove
- without a doubt - that post surgical adhesions have impacted the people
of our nation with unnecessary suffering at a staggering rate and cost!!
Questions are beginning to surface as to why has there never been
a national campaign for awareness and education about the existence and
etiology of post surgical adhesions? Our government
knew of the magnitude of this medical problem!! How come
the numbers increased instead of decreased? There are hundreds of thousands
of people in this country, who struggle with the intractable pain of adhesions
on a daily basis - every minute of each day!! Had the government responded
to these reports in a responsible and respectful way, these people could've
had a better chance for a more comfortable, pain-free life.
If only I had known that adhesions are one of the risks of surgery,
I know that I could be enjoying a higher quality of life today; and
there is no doubt about that at all!
If our government health agencies had acted in our best interests when
the connection between surgery and adhesions first became known, many people
of this great nation could have been spared alot of pain and suffering;
and the resulting tremendous cost to our government could have been averted!!
We trusted our government to inform us about health issues; but
our government failed us when we were not given the opportunity to be informed
so that we would be able to make informed decisions about our personal
health issues.
I am asking the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to pursue
with diligence in getting the ICD9-CM surgical code approved for the application
of adhesion barriers for adhesion protection. I am offering my assistance
in any way possible.
This code is justified; and God knows it is
time to get it secured for the United States of America!
In peace and friendship,
Beverly J. Doucette
Dr. David Satcher, MD, Surgeon General
Tommy Thompson, Secretary of the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services
John Gard, Assemblyman, Wisconsin 89th Assembly
Dr. David Wiseman, PhD, SYNECHION, INC.
Dr. Frank Hamilton, M.D. M.P.H. Chief, NIDDK
Division of Digestive Disease And Nutrition - Dept. of Health & Human
Lynn Armstrong, National Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) Atlanta, GA

acknowledging my communication to Vice Admiral Dr. Richard Carmona
July 17, 2001
July 17, 2001
Ms. Brenda Door
Representative to Dr. David Satcher
United States Surgeon General
U.S. Department of
Health & Human Services
200 Independence Avenue S.W. 20201
Tele: 1-301-443-6497
Brenda Door is the representative for the Surgeon
General, Dr. David Satcher M.D.
Brenda stated in a phone call to me today that
Dr. Satcher had received the binder of information on ARD that I had sent
him. Dr. Satcher would like the IAS to schedule an appointment with
him regarding Adhesion Related Disease when he is in DALLAS, TX, USA: Thursday
23rd January 2003.
I will present an agenda and time frame for the
meeting with him.
Ms. Brenda Door
Representative to Dr. David Satcher
United States Surgeon General
U.S. Department of
Health & Human Services
200 Independence Avenue S.W. 20201
Tele: 1-301-443-6497
Brenda Door is the representative for the Surgeon
General, Dr. David Satcher M.D.
Brenda stated in a phone call to me today that
Dr. Satcher had received the binder of information on ARD that I had sent
him. Dr. Satcher would like the IAS to schedule an appointment with
him regarding Adhesion Related Disease when he is in DALLAS, TX, USA: Thursday
23rd January 2003.
I will present an agenda and time frame for the
meeting with him.
Initiates Discussions with US Surgeon General Regarding Surgical Adhesions:
Also DHHS and NIH discussions begin.
DALLAS, TX, USA: Thursday 23rd January 2003:
Today the International Adhesions Society initiated discussions with Vice
Admiral Dr. Richard Carmona, the Surgeon General of the United States,
concerning public health issues related to post-surgical adhesions. Dr.
David Wiseman, Founder of the International Adhesions Society met with
the Surgeon General as well as with two of his aides. "Having been a paramedic,
nurse and a surgeon, Dr. Carmona knew immediately from several perspectives
what we were talking about. I think he was certainly sympathetic with our
case and will be supportive in the future," said Dr. Wiseman. "This is
all very exciting as we also met with senior representatives of the US
Department of Health and Human Services today. Last week we were contacted
by NIH about assiating them in an study involving adhesions."
We are finally begining to get the problem of
adhesions recognized. We will keep you posted on developments as well as
on our broader PR and lobbying campaign.
Our thanks also must go to
Beverly Doucette
of Wisconsin, IAS International Patient Advocate,
for laying the groundwork for this landmark meeting.
Shown in the photo are Doctors Carmona and
DALLAS, TX, USA: Thursday 23rd January 2003
letter to Secretary Tommy Thompson
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
April 13, 2001
* “Every time a doctor operates — whether
it’s a big incision or a little one, scar tissue forms inside the
pelvis, “ Levy says. “This scar tissue — known as adhesions — can cause
pain and then there’s the issue of nerve damage.” Martin says. Multiple
surgeries seem to be linked with pain from injured nerves. Many women
undergo surgery over and over again. If you peruse the endometriosis discussion
groups and bulletin boards on the Internet, it is not unusual to read accounts
of women who’ve had multiple surgeries — 12, 13, 14, even more — and still
suffer from pelvic pain."
“These women believe that they need more
surgery because their trusted physician’s have told them that the endometriosis
has grown back and another operation is the only solution.”
So why would women keep coming back for a treatment
that seem so ineffective?
“Well, first and foremost, it’s because their
pain is so unbearable,” says,
Dr. Dan Martin, a reproductive surgeon and a
clinical associate professor at the
University of Tennessee in Memphis.
* May 30, 200 1 Newsday,
the Chicago Sun Times, the Detroit Free Press and the Los Angeles Times.
Dr. Barbara Levy, a clinical assistant
professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the
University of Washington in Seattle
and at Yale University in New Haven, Conn.
Dr. Dan Martin, a reproductive
surgeon and a clinical associate professor at the
University of Tennessee in Memphis.
“Adhesion Related Disorder”
IS THE most frequent cause of re-operations
the world today.
ARD can cause severe chronic pain, and
other symptoms, that impact the lives of it’s victims and society as a
whole, as the resulting outcome of those surgeries find the patients being
left with permanent disabling symptoms.
Our only hope in securing a higher quality of
life as victims of ARD will be accomplished
through intervention to get "Adhesion Related
Disorder” recognized and
addressed at the National level.
Once that goal is accomplished, the doors will
be opened for victims of ARD to secure higher quality of medical intervention
as well as increased insurance assistance, possibly secure disability
benefits if warranted and as important, the burdens
of having to fight our way through an already
April 13, 2001
Tommy Thompson
Department of Health and Human Services
Independence Avenue, S.W.
D.C. 20201
Dear Secretary Thompson,
My name is Beverly J. Doucette. I am a Patient
Advocate for people who suffer
“Adhesion Related Disease. ” I am also the outreach
director for the International Adhesion Society, where I assist others
in educating, supporting and assisting ARD sufferers.
First I would like to take this opportunity to
tell you how pleased I am that President Bush thought enough of you to
bring on board. I hope that you will do for the country what you did for
our state! I know how much I appreciated your diligence in serving people
in the highest quality of service a public official can give. and you sure
did that for Wisconsin!
I am asked to extend a greeting to you from Senator
Mike Ellis and my sister, Kay Reetz!
I am asking for an appointment with you or
your Health Issues Representative to discuss issues surrounding Adhesion
Related Disease. There are a great number of ARD sufferers across America
who desperately needs your intervention.
I will be in Washington D.C. from April 25th –
April 30th. I have medical appointments on Wednesday, April 25th, but will
avail myself to you on any of the remaining days.
As I stated, I advocate for people who suffer
a disease called “ Adhesion related Disease.” This disease is very painful
and infringing on one’s life. The etiology of ARD is normally the result
of surgical trauma, but it can also be caused by a variety of other things.
I have enclosed information that I think will educate you to this very
devastating disease.
I would like to ask that you focus your attention
on the impact of ARD on our society today, not only in the medical community,
but the cost involvement to insurance companies and to the ARD sufferers
them selves. Also of concern to the International Adhesion society is the
lack of effective and quality medical intervention available to post surgical
adhesion sufferers in the United States today. These issues are among others
I need to discuss.
I am involved in advocating for Adhesion Related
Disease patients across the United States as well as in many other countries.
I am acclimated to how the ARD patients are recognized in other countries
verses those here in the United States of America. I have enclosed
a small sample of how ARD is recognized in the Ukraine and in Germany.
Unfortunately this information will show that this country lags far behind
when recognizing or respecting ARD sufferers. You will be able to see how
we have failed our own people when it comes to helping those in our own
county who suffer ARD!
We need to make progress in this area! I am hoping
that you will be instrumental in bringing awareness of this disease to
the attention of the public, recognition of our plight as we fight for
our lives trying to cope with ARD, and make every effort in researching
ways to overcome this most insidious disease.
Secretary Thompson, I am bringing this issue to
your attention, as the International Adhesion Society will be putting out
a press release to the media this year regarding Adhesion Related Disease.
I am currently assisting on this project and am in communication with newspaper
reporters throughout the country, as well as in a few other countries.
Out of respect for you and your position, I did not want this issue to
be an element of surprise to you; after all, we are both have Wisconsin
Please confirm with me the possibility of meeting
you or your aid regarding these issues. If a meeting is not possible, may
I present written information for your study? Following my presentation
a written communication from the Department of Health and Human Services
would be appreciated. As ARD sufferers, we hope that action would
be taken that would impact our lives here in the United States in a positive
and progressive way.
Please know that it is my intention to do everything
I can to get this disease recognized. I will not simply sit back
and watch the unjust suffering of so many. Interestingly enough,
Janna Bush, one of the President Bush’s twin daughters had an emergency
appendectomy last November...the incidence of getting ARD from a surgery
like that is only about 97%!!
Thank-you for taking the time to consideration
my request to support education and awareness of Adhesion Related Disorder
at the national level. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours
Adhesion Related Disease is THE most infringing
and disabling disease in the world today.
Secretary Thompson, you may wish to acclimate
yourself with this disease prior to our meeting as I am sure you will not
be familiar with it. And if you are, be assured I will have more
questions for you regarding the lack of public awareness
You might want to start by reading these facts
on Adhesion Related Disease:
(Menzies, 1993). “ Between
55 and 100% of patients undergoing pelvic reconstructive
surgery will form adhesions. ARD,
as it has come to be known within the medical society
and those who suffer it, is the
result of every invasive surgical procedure that is performed
on the human body! ” )
**The surgery that separates organs
that are attached from a prior surgical procedure is called an : adhesiolysis.
**An adhesiolysis procedure
is performed in this world as often as an appendectomy, a coronary bypass
and hip replacements.
** An adhesiolysis procedure
is the number one problem from a surgery as it is the result of ANY surgical
procedue completed on the human body!
** An adhesiolysis is ussualy
NOT the schedlued operastive procedure, but is performed in relationship
to another surgical procedure of a prior diagnosed medical conditon..but
as a result of a prio surgery on the patient, the surgeon finds that he
is faced with lysing through adhesions before they can preceed with the
scheduled surgery that was planned!
** Adhesions are found in
97% of all second or " re operative " precedures!!
** Adhesions are found in
the human body folwoing MOST surgical procedures: cardiac ( heart ), joint,
( any joints including wrist, knee, hip, elbows, knees..a joint is a joint
Intra abdominal / pelvic ( in order
of the highest % of adhesion formation following one of these invasive
surgery: c- section, hysterectomy, ( even a vaginal hysterectomy )
appendectomy, urinary bladder, gall bladder, hernia repair, )
**Adhesions form as a result of
a laporotomy (which is an incision into the abdominal cavity over 3 inches
long ) ..adhesions do NOt form as a result of a laporoscopc surgery in
and of itself as the intra abdominal incisions are so minimal adhesions
do not occur. So, when possible, a laporoscopic procedure is the
best route for any invasive surgery..BUTmost surgeons cannot perform them
with enough skill , so they resort to laporotomies instead!
ADHESIONS are believed to cause pelvic pain by
tethering down organs and tissues, causing traction (pulling) of nerves.
Nerve endings may become entrapped within a developing adhesion.
If the bowel becomes obstructed, distention will cause pain.
Some patients in whom chronic pelvic pain has
lasted more than six months may develop "Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.”
In addition to the chronic pain, emotional and behavioral changes appear
due to the duration of the pain and its associated stress.
According to the International Pelvic Pain Society.
Chronic pelvic pain is estimated to affect nearly
15% of women between 18 and 50 (Mathias et al., 1996). Other estimates
arrive at between 200,000 and 2 million women in the United States (Paul,
The economic effects are also quite staggering.
In a survey of households, Mathias et al. (1996) estimated that direct
medical costs for outpatient visits for chronic pelvic pain for the U.S.
population of women aged 18-50 years are $881.5 million per year.
Among 548 employed respondents, 15% reported time lost from paid work and
45% reported reduced work productivity
It is imperative that a disease of this caliber
get proper notice via a governmental office as if it is not presented to
the public in such a way as to inform as well as educate, it WILL create
panic simply by learning how one develops Adhesion Related Disease. It
is my impression that once ARD is brought to the attention of the public,
it will not only impact surgery in a negative way it WILL change the way
surgery is perceived in our society today!
Secretary Thompson, I am asking that you give
thought to bringing this insidious disease to the attention of those in
the political arena by doing the following:
1.) Educate them to Adhesion Related Disease,
2.) Educate them as to the impact ARD has on
a person who sufferer’s it,
3.) Educate them as to the impact of ARD on insurance
costs, and on society as a whole.
4.) Include research of ARD in grant funding
that is available for health issues research
I am hoping that you will recognize the need for
all persons in our society to be made aware of ARD! It IS going to happen,
people are becoming aware of ARD more and more through societies such as
the International Adhesion Society and chronic pain support groups due
to the vast network of the Internet! . I am sure you can see the potential
for panic when it comes to the realization of the cause of post surgical
adhesions, and it’s potential impact on surgery, as we know it today!
It will only be through education of ARD
that we will be able to make the most positive and profound impact. If
we are to save people from not only getting ARD but from suffering the
same atrocities that those who suffer with it every minute of every day
of their lives, we must educate the public as well as our physicians about
It is imperative that this disease get proper
notice via a governmental office as if it is not presented to the public
in such a way as to inform as well as educate, it WILL create panic simply
by learning how one develops Adhesion Related Disease. It is my impression
that once ARD is brought to the attention of the public, it will not only
impact surgery in a negative way it WILL change the way surgery is perceived
in our society today!
I am prepared to forward to you prior to my arrival
in Washington D.C. as well as bring with me material that substantiates
everything that I have brought to your attention regarding Adhesion Related
I thank -you for your time and consideration of
my request. I look forward to hearing from you soon and if there is anything
I can do to assist you securing more information regarding both these issues,
please do not hesitate to call me
Sincerely yours,
Beverly J. Doucette
International Adhesions Society
Patient Advocate
Here are only two ARD cases out of hundreds
of cases of “Adhesion Related Disease” that I intervene on each and everyday!
All have similarities, yet each case is unique! ARD is unique in each of
these cases only due to the unique way in which it impacts itself into
each persons life. The disease itself is not unique at all!
Here are only two ARD cases out of hundreds of
cases of “Adhesion Related Disease” that I intervene on each and everyday!
All have similarities, yet each case is unique! ARD is unique in each of
these cases only due to the unique way in which it impacts itself into
each persons life. The disease itself is not unique at all!
Let me introduce Karla Nygren of Marinette,
This case of Adhesion Related Disease will offer
you a very personal look into the life of an adhesion sufferer who is 23
surgeons post operatively. Ms. Karla Nygren.

Initial Surgery(1)
Follow-Up Laparscopy
(within 12 Weeks)
Small intestine
Pelvic Sidewall
1. Initial surgery performed using CO2 laser plus 35% dextran 70 or
nonlaser surgical technique with or without dextran. Results are pooled
over three initial surgical procedure groups.
Adapted from Diamond MP. Surgical aspects of infertility. In: Gynecology
and Obstetrics, 1991.
Adhesions are common and can form on any surface in the pelvis and
abdomen after surgery. However, some organs are more likely to develop
adhesions than others. Diamond et al reported that the ovary, pelvic sidewall,
and fimbria are the most common sites for adhesion formation. In fact,
they found that more than one half of patients developed adhesions to an
ovary following surgery. The incidence of adhesion formation following
surgery to the pelvic sidewall and fimbria was 40% and 36%, respectively.
Reference: Diamond MP. Surgical aspects of
infertility. In: Sciarra JJ, Simpson JL, Speroff L, eds. Gynecology and
Obstetrics. Philadelphia, Pa: JB Lippincott Co; 1991;5:1-23.
*Secretary Tommy Thompson
directed my communication to Dr. Hamilton of the National Institute of
Please see those communications
communications with United States Dept. of Health regarding "Post Surgical
Code for " Adhesion Barriers" FDA
(International Adhesion Society)
December 2001
YOUR STORY will help to make a difference!!...
Must be received by January 8th!!!
The U.S. Government - more specifically Medicare
and Medicaid (government health insurance programs) - wants to hear from
Adhesion Sufferers - that's YOU and ME from the United States!! TOGETHER
WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE - if as many of us Adhesion Sufferers as possible
send our letters petitioning the U.S. Government to establish an ICD-9-CM
code to help them collect data on the significant surgical procedure known
government needs to know IF surgeons are using adhesion barriers; and IF
the use of adhesion barriers can be successful in preventing adhesions.
Currently, there is no code for this purpose!!
With the establishment of an ICD-9-CM code - meant specifically for "the
application of an adhesion barrier" - I suspect that Medicare and Medicaid
will decide to increase the monetary reimbursement (in other words pay
"more" money) to surgeons, who use adhesion barriers at the conclusion
of surgical procedures. With the addition of this "new code," Medicare
and Medicaid will then be able to record how often adhesion barriers are
actually used. They will also be able to track how effective the use of
adhesion barriers are in preventing adhesions.
I also suspect that one of the reasons that Medicare
and Medicaid are considering a new surgical code for adhesions is that
they are trying to find a way to reduce the number of repeated surgeries
-and thus save the government money. You may not be benefiting from either
Medicare or Medicaid at this time; but it is inevitable that some day you
NOW is the perfect time to start preparing for
a future that may one day provide the answer and an end to the enormous
pain that so many of you endure - day by day, month to month - year to
year!! I hope I have convinced you that IN NUMBERS - and there certainly
are alot of us, who suffer from adhesions - TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!
NOW is the time to respond to this petition; and the best way to do this
is to let your voice be heard through your very personal and painful adhesion
stories. If you have already entered your story on the ADHESIONS QUILT,
your Adhesion Quilt story will make an impression on those, who read the
An ICD-9-CM code number will provide the government
with alot of revealing information about adhesions; and perhaps could even
open the door to getting adhesions recognized as a disease some day in
the future. This IS a great opportunity for us to let the government know
that there actually are alot of people who are suffering from surgical
adhesions. We need to tell them exactly how adhesions have affected our
lives - and how adhesions continue to affect not only our lives but also
the lives of those we hold most dear!!
I do not profess to be an expert on adhesions
or anything to do with the government; but I DO SENSE -- as a result of
Dr. Wiseman's tireless efforts in organizing the the International Adhesions
Society, Bev's trip to Washington, D.C. to talk to government dignitaries
from her state, and this opportunity to petition for an ICD-9-CM code for
the use of adhesion barriers to help prevent adhesions after surgical procedures
eventually could bring adhesions "out of the closet" and into the light!!
Who knows? As the result of petitioning for this special surgical ICD-9-CM
code for adhesions, perhaps one day this could lead to a national education
program - specifically about adhesions. I can dream, can't I? Don't you
think this is possible?
With the participation of EACH ONE of you adhesion
sufferers, I really believe that we will be able to "open the eyes" of
the government so that the government will also realize that there is a
serious need to increase funding for research into developing an adhesion
barrier that is reliably successful in the prevention of adhesions. Today
is January 2nd of the year, 2002 - and yet, medical science has not figured
out a way to prevent adhesions. Increased funding for research could be
the key!! The government has set up a dedicated email address just for
this project. If you have story to tell that highlights the need for more
understanding about the use of adhesion barriers ..... PLEASE:
* Deadline date: January 8, 2002
* Email your comments to: IPPSNEWTECH@CMS.HHS.GOV
7, FDA Petition on the use of "Powdered Gloves" during surgery as they
cause "Adhesion Formation!"
Please note that the appendices referred to
in this petition are not available online.
If you would like to receive copies of the
appendices, please call 202 588-1000.
Petition to Ban Cornstarch Powder on Latex
Federal Food and Drug Administration
January 7, 1998
Michael Friedman, M.D.
Lead Deputy Commissioner
Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Petition to Ban Cornstarch Powder on Latex Gloves
Dear Dr. Friedman:
Public Citizen’s Health Research Group and its
Director, Sidney M. Wolfe, MD and Staff Researcher, Christine Dehlendorf,
and Timothy Sullivan, MD, Professor of Medicine at Emory University School
of Medicine and Head of the Subsection of Allergy and Immunology at the
Emory Clinic hereby petition the Food and Administration (FDA) to immediately
ban the use of cornstarch powder in the manufacture of latex surgical and
examination gloves because of the serious and widespread dangers these
gloves cause to medical personnel and to patients. An acceptable substitute,
non-powdered gloves, is available and has already been implemented in many
places. FDA’s legal mandate to require such a ban is found in section 516
of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, 21USC 360(f). The continued use of powdered
latex gloves is unacceptably harmful and the FDA must act to ban such dangerous
Introduction: Hospitals Which have Stopped
Using Powdered Gloves
According to industry sales data, 26% of the
U.S. surgical glove market is currently comprised of the sales of powder-free
latex gloves.1 Following are three examples of hospitals which switched
from cornstarch powdered gloves to powder-free gloves.
In 1993, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a Harvard
teaching hospital in Boston, experienced a mysterious epidemic among operating
room personnel, in which 12 to 14 employees a day were unable to complete
their typical duties due to allergic reactions. An internal investigation,
followed by the hiring of an environmental consultant, identified the source
of the epidemic to exposure to latex -- especially to aerosolized glove
powder, which bound the latex proteins (Appendix A). Following this experience,
the hospital became powder-free. In other words, they no longer used powdered
latex surgical gloves.
In December of 1995, Jackson Memorial Hospital
in Miami also chose to convert to low allergen, powder-free gloves, "after
an epidemic of latex allergy, glove dermatitis and occupational asthma"
(Appendix B). The number of complaints of reactions to latex plummeted
after the switch was made.
Following the lead of these hospitals, Methodist
Hospital in Indianapolis eliminated all powdered gloves from their facility
in late 1995 and early 1996 after having more than 80 employees be identified
as allergic to latex. As a result of the switch none of the allergic employees
needed to leave their jobs (Appendix C).
The experiences of these hospitals are part of
a rapidly growing recognition of problems with cornstarch powdered gloves.
In addition to the link with latex allergies noted above, evidence also
indicates that cornstarch causes surgical complications. In order to protect
patients and health care workers from the risks of exposure to cornstarch,
the FDA must follow the example of these hospitals by taking immediate
action to ban its use as a lubricant for surgical and examination gloves.
In delineating the basis for urging the FDA to
immediately implement this ban, this petition, following a brief discussion
of the history of powdered gloves, details the serious medical problems
associated with the use of cornstarch powder on surgical and examination
gloves and addresses perceived barriers to the implementation of the proposed
ban. This petition builds on Dr. Richard Edlich’s (distinguished Professor
of Plastic Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia School
of Medicine) previous contacts with the FDA requesting a ban on cornstarch.
On December 7 and 14th, 1995, Dr. Edlich sent letters to the FDA requesting
a ban on cornstarch (Appendix D & E), and included in his letter scientific
studies indicating that cornstarch-powdered gloves caused toxic reactions
to tissues. Six months later, on June 3, 1996, Carol J. Shirk, Consumer
Safety Officer of the FDA, responded to his letter, and informed Dr. Edlich
that the FDA was extensively investigating his request and that he would
be advised of the outcome of the review once a policy was determined regarding
cornstarch powdered gloves (Appendix F). On July 15, 1997, he was informed
by the FDA that they had made no final decision regarding this issue. We
are therefore demanding that the FDA immediately take action to address
this widespread public health problem. The FDA regulation, which went into
effect September 30, 1997, requiring latex-containing medical devices such
as gloves to contain a warning that the product contains latex "which may
cause an allergic reaction" is appropriate for those products for which
there is no safer substitute. But for powdered latex gloves, anything short
of a ban--such as merely this label--is a dangerous insult to the millions
of patients and tens of thousands of health care workers whose lives and
health are jeopardized by the continued use in health care settings of
these powdered gloves.
History of Medical Gloves
When surgical gloves were introduced at the turn
of the century, they were sterilized by boiling and could only be donned
by pulling the rubber gloves over wet hands. Because the wet hands of the
surgical staff became macerated under the occlusive cover of the rubber
glove, predisposing to severe dermatitis, surgeons searched for a dry lubricant
that would facilitate donning and prevent the gloves from sticking together
during the pressurized steam sterilization process (autoclaving). An
early lubricant, a powder made of Lycopodium spores (club moss) was identified
as causing foreign body responses, including adhesions and granulomas.
Talcum powder (hydrous magnesium silicate), a non-absorbable lubricant,
was also implicated in the production of granuloma in tissues and adhesion
formation in the peritoneal cavity.3,4
In the study in 1947,4
Lee and Lehman, in addition to verifying the increasing evidence that talcum
powder was a dangerous disease-promoting factor in human surgery, identified
what appeared to be an acceptable alternative to talc -- cornstarch powder.
They found that cornstarch powder was completely absorbed from the peritoneum
(abdominal cavity) without any demonstrated inflammation and it produced
no adhesions whatsoever. Because it was a cornstarch powder, it was taken
up by the peritoneum and metabolized like any ingested starch.
By 1952 a sample survey indicated that cornstarch
had replaced talc in 60% to 90% of hospitals in the U.S.,5
and currently is found as the lubricant on most surgical and examination
gloves used by health care workers. However, experimental and clinical
studies in the last 50 years have continually documented dangerous side
effects of this absorbable lubricant. There has also been increasing evidence
of a link between cornstarch and latex allergies. Likely in response to
concerns about adverse effects caused by cornstarch, in 1971 the FDA required
that manufacturers place warning labels on the glove packages which stated
that glove users should remove cornstarch from the glove surfaces by wiping
the gloves with a wet sponge, towel, or by using another effective method.6
In addition, realizing these serious dangers to the patients and health
professionals, numerous manufacturers have developed powder-free surgical
gloves, removing a barrier to the elimination of cornstarch powdered gloves.
However, despite this recognition of the dangers of cornstarch and the
existing technological advances in glove manufacturing, most hospitals
continue to use powdered gloves.
Cornstarch-Induced Foreign Body Disease From
Most surgeons have an unfounded confidence
in cornstarch and mistakenly believe that it is safe. Scientific experimental
and clinical studies have confirmed that cornstarch promotes disease by
two different mechanisms. First, it acts as a foreign body when deposited
in the wound that elicits an exaggerated inflammatory response and interferes
with the host's defenses against infection.
When cornstarch contaminates soft tissues, it promotes the development
of wound infection. The presence of small amounts of cornstarch promotes
wound induration, bacterial growth, and wound infection.7,8
Cont: Cornstarch-Induced Foreign Body Disease
From Gloves
When cornstarch gains access to the peritoneal
cavity, it can cause granuloma formation, adhesion formation and peritonitis.9,10,11,12The
development of cornstarch induced adhesions can produce intestinal obstruction,
infertility, and pelvic pain. Other documented
adverse reactions to cornstarch include endophthalmalitis,13
post-thoracotomy syndrome,14 meningismus after
craniotomy,15 retroperitoneal fibrosis,16
and synovial inflammation.17
It is important to recognize that simply warning
health care workers to wash the cornstarch off gloves prior to use does
not prevent the adverse effects discussed above. Jagelman and Ellis18
reported that washing with water reduced the number of starch granules,
but left significant cornstarch on the glove that appeared to aggregate
as clumps. They postulated that the development of clumps of cornstarch
would promote a delay in absorption and an enhancement of the foreign-body
reaction. In 1980, Tolbert and Brown19 provided
further evidence that glove washing with a saline solution left a portion
of the cornstarch on the glove surface.
The most effective method of washing the cornstarch
from the gloves involves a one minute cleansing with 10 mL of povidone-iodine
followed by a 30 second rinse under sterile water.20
This technique reduced the median number of starch granules per mm2
of glove, as seen on microscopic examination, from 2,720 (when no attempt
to remove the powder was made) to 0 (when the povidone-iodine method was
performed). However, this technique is time-consuming, costly, and burdensome
to the clinical staff and can not ensure that all powder particles have
been eliminated.
Even if these procedures were completely effective,
it would still be necessary to ensure that health care workers adhere to
the washing guidelines if the cornstarch powder is to be removed. In a
study conducted by Fay and Dooher,21 the surgical
staff's compliance with glove washing to remove cornstarch lubricants was
examined. Only 17% of the surgeons and 21% of the surgical nursing staff
washed their gloves after donning. These investigators attributed the slightly
higher levels of compliance among nurses to practices taught in nursing
school and/or to references to the need for glove washing in nursing journals
and textbooks. Information about glove washing might not be included in
medical education.
It is also important to realize that some departments
in the hospital use powdered surgical gloves in an environment in which
they do not have easy access to sterile wash basins. For example, emergency
physicians in Emergency Departments treat more than 10 million patients
annually using sterile surgical gloves. During wound treatment, they usually
do not have the benefit of a nursing assistant who prepares a sterile wash
basin filled with sterile saline in which they can attempt to remove cornstarch
from their gloves. Consequently, most emergency physicians use gloves lubricated
with cornstarch during their wound closure techniques.
The evidence of the adverse effects of cornstarch
and the growing problem of latex allergies, especially among health care
professionals, indicate that the continued use of this powder on surgical
and examination gloves is of major concern. It is clear that alternatives
which are effective and well established in the market exist, and that,
if the cost of powdered gloves are adjusted to include the cost of wash
basins required to remove the powder, extra gloves, workers’ compensation
claims, and the loss of the experience of health care workers, there is
no economic justification for failing to halt the use of cornstarch on
gloves. We therefore urge the FDA to take immediate action to ban the use
of surgical and examination gloves with cornstarch lubricants.
We expect a prompt response to this urgent
Sincerely,Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D.
Christine Dehlendorf, Researcher
Public Citizen’s Health Research Group
Timothy Sullivan, MD, Professor of Medicine,
Emory University School of Medicine
Head of the Subsection of Allergy and Immunology
at the Emory Clinic
1. IMS Hospital Supply Source Index,
2nd Quarter 1997. For that quarter, the total sales of surgical gloves
was $170 million, with $44.2 million for powder-free latex gloves.
2. Antopole W. Lycopodium Granuloma.
Arch Path 1933; 16:326-31.
3. German WM. Dusting powder granulomas
following surgery. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1943; 76:501-2.
4. Lee CM , Lehman EP. Experiments
with nonirritating glove powder. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1947; 84:689-95.
5. Lee CM, Collins WT, Largen TL.
A reappraisal of absorbable glove powder. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1952; 95:725-37.
6. Stigi J, Lowery A, Project Officers.
Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Devices and Radiological
Health. Guidance for Medical Gloves: A Workshop Manual. HHS Publication
FDA 96-4257 (September 1996):p. 4-4.
7. Jaffray DC, Nade S. Does surgical
glove powder decrease the inoculum of bacteria required to produce an abscess?
J Roy Coll Surg, Edin 1983; 28:219-22.
8. Ruhl CM, Urbancic JH, Foresman
PA, Cox MJ, Rodeheaver GT, Zura RD, Edlich RF. A new hazard of cornstarch,
an absorbable dusting powder. J Emerg Med 1994; 12:11-4.
9. Luijendijk RW, de Lange DCD,
Wauters CCP, Hop WCJ, Duron JJ, Pailler JL, et al. Foreign material in
postoperative adhesions. Ann Surg 1996; 223:242-8.
10. Cooke SAR, Hamilton DG. The
significance of starch powder contamination in the aetiology of peritoneal
adhesions. Br J Surg; 1977 64:410-2.
11. Holmdahl L, Al-Jabreen M, Xia
G, Risberg B. The impact of starch powdered gloves on the formation of
adhesions in rats. Eur J Surg 1994; 160:257-61.
12. Ellis H. The hazards of surgical
glove dusting powders. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1990; 171:521-7.
13. Aronson SB. Starch Endophthalmitis.
Amer J Ophth 1972; 73:570-9.
14. Warshaw AL, Mills JL. Starch
pleuritis: a postthoractomy syndrome possibly caused by surgical glove
powder. Surgery 1974; 75:296-8.
15. Dunkley B, Lewis TT. Meningeal
reaction to starch powder in the cerebrospinal fluid. Br Med J 1977; 2:1391-2.
16. Chenoweth CV. Retroperitoneal
fibrosis due to starch granuloma. Urology 1981; 17:157-9
17. Freemont AJ, Porter ML, Tomlinson
I, Clage RB, Jayson MIV. Starch synovitis. J Clin Pathol 1984; 37:990-2.
18. Jagelman DG, Ellis H. Starch
and intraperitoneal adhesion formation. Br J Surg 1973; 60:111-4.
19. Tolbert TW, Brown JL. Surface
powders on surgical gloves. Arch Surg 1980; 115:729-32.
20. Fraser I. Simple and effective
method of removing starch powder from surgical gloves. Br Med J 1982; 284:1835.
21. Fay MF, Dooher DT. Surgical
Gloves: Measuring Cost and Barrier Effectiveness. AORN J 1992; 55:1500-19.
22. Sussman GL, Tarlo S, Dolovich
J. The spectrum of IgE mediated responses to latex. JAMA 1991; 265:2844-7.
23. Spaner D, Dolovich J, Tarlo
S, Sussman G, Buttoo K. Hypersensitivity to nature latex. J Allergy Clin
Immunol 1989; 83:1135-7.
24. Morales C, Basomba A, Carreira
J, Sastre A. Anaphylaxis produced by rubber glove contact. Case reports
and immunological identification of the antigens involved. Clin Exp Allergy
1989; 19:425-30.
25. Wrangsjö K, Wahlberg JE,
Axelsson IGK. IgE-mediated allergy to natural rubber in 30 patients with
contact urticaria. Contact Dermatitis 1988; 19:264-71.
26. Axelsson JGK, Johansson GO,
Wrangsjök. IgE-mediated anaphylactoid reactions to rubber. Allergy
1987; 42:46-50.
27. Frosch PJ, Wahl R, Bahmer FA,
Maasch HJ. Contact Urticaria to rubber gloves is IgE-mediated. Contact
Dermatitis 1986; 14:241-5.
28. Carrillo T, Cuevas M, Muñoz
T, Hinojosa M, Moneo I. Contact urticaria and rhinitis from latex surgical
gloves. Contact Dermatitis 1986; 15:69-72.
29. Jaeger D, Kleinhans D, Czuppon
AB, Baur X. Latex-specific proteins causing immediate-type cutaneous, nasal,
bronchial, and systemic reactions. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1992; 89:759-68.
30. Turjanmaa K, Laurila K, Mäkinen-Kiljunen
S, Reunala T. Rubber contact urticaria: allergenic properties of 19 brands
of surgical gloves. Contact Dermatitis 1988; 19:362-7.
31. Tarlo SM, Wong L, Roos J, Booth
N. Occupational asthma caused by latex in a surgical glove manufacturing
plant. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1990; 85:626-31.
32. Dillard SF, MacCollum MA. Food
and Drug Administration, Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Reports
to FDA: allergic reactions to latex containing medical devices. International
Latex Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, November 5-7, 1992. Sensitivity
to latex in medical devices. 1992:23. Abstract.
33. Zoltan BT, Luciano WJ, James
WD. Latex glove allergy: a survey of the U.S. Army Dental Corps. JAMA 1992;
34. Kaczmarek RG, Silverman BG,
Gross TP, Hamilton RG, Kessler E, Arrowsmith-Lowe JT, Moore RM.
Prevalence of latex-specific IgE
antibodies in hospital personnel. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1996; 76:51-6.
35. Liss GM, Sussman GL, Deal K,
Brown S, Cividino M, Siu S, Beezhold DH, et al. Latex allergy: epidemiological
study of 1,351 hospital workers. Occup Environ Med 1997; 54:335-42.
36. Douglas R, Morton J, Czarny
D, O’Hehir RE. Prevalence of IgE-mediated allergy to latex in hospital
nursing staff. Aust NZ J Med 1997; 27:165-9.
37. Beezhold D, Beck WC. Surgical
glove powders bind latex antigens. Arch Surg 1992; 127: 1354-7.
38. Tomazic VS, Shampaine, EL, Lamanna
A, Withrow TJ, Adkinson NF, Hamilton RG. Cornstarch powder on latex products
is an allergen carrier. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1994; 93:751-8.
39. Tarlo SM, Sussman G, Contala
A, Swanson MC. Control of airborne latex by use of powder-free latex gloves.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 1994; 93:985-9.
40. Baur X, Jager D. Airborne antigens
from latex gloves. Lancet 1990; 335:912.
41. Pisati G, Baruffini A, Bernabeo
F, Stanizzi R. Bronchial provocation testing in the diagnosis of occupational
asthma due to latex surgical gloves. Eur Respir J 1994; 7:332-6.
42. Lagier F, Badier M, Martigny
M, Charpin D, Vervloet D. Latex as aeroallergen. Lancet 1990; 336:516-7.
43. Pavlovich LJ, Cox MJ, Thacker
JG, Edlich RF. Ease of donning of surgical gloves: an important consideration
in glove selection. J Emerg Med 1995; 13:353-5.
44. Fisher MD, Neal JG, Kheir JN,
Woods JA, Thacker JG, Edlich RF. Ease of donning commercially available
powder-free surgical gloves. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 1996;
Secretery of Health Donna Shalala stand regarding the FDA Petition of Powdered
Gloves July 21, 1997

Ruling on the use of "Powdered Surgical Gloves." October 1999
October 1999
FDA Alert: Medical Gloves
Face FDA Reclassification
On July 30, 1999, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a proposed
rule announcing significant changes in the requirements for all medical
gloves. The proposed regulation is available through the FDA
MedWatch Web site.
The FDA is proposing regulations to reclassify all surgical and patient
examination gloves as class II medical devices because it believes that
general controls are insufficient to provide a reasonable assurance of
safety and effectiveness. The reclassified gloves, including those made
of natural rubber latex (NRL) or synthetic material, will be regulated
in four categories: powdered surgeon's gloves, powder-free
surgeon's gloves, powdered patient examination gloves and powder-free
patient examination gloves. The proposed special controls are in the form
of a proposed guidance document titled "Medical Glove Guidance Manual,"
which includes recommended protein and glove powder limits, new label caution
statements and expiration dating.
This proposed rule is intended to reduce the
adverse health effects from allergic and foreign body reactions caused
by the natural latex (NL) protein allergens and glove powder
found on surgical and patient examination gloves and to reduce the adverse
health effects from defects in the barrier integrity and quality of surgical
and patient examination gloves.
Written comments regarding the proposed new regulations will be accepted
until October 28, 1999. Submit written comments to the Dockets Management
Branch (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Room
1061, Rockville, MD 20852.
Surgeon's and patient examination gloves have been associated with a
number of adverse health effects in patients and users, including allergic
reactions, foreign body reactions and irritation. Studies of health care
workers, blood donors and ambulatory surgical patients have demonstrated
an appreciable prevalence of NL sensitivity. The FDA has received 330 reports
of adverse events attributed to NL allergy occurring in patients and health
care workers, which suggests that allergic reaction to NRL products in
health care settings manifests itself in a variety of symptoms ranging
from dermatitis to anaphylaxis.
The FDA also has significant concerns about the role of glove powder
as a carrier of airborne allergens. Although data are not currently available
to quantify a maximum allowable level of glove powder, decreased exposure
to glove powder will decrease the prevalence of adverse health effects.
Though medical intervention for the symptoms
of ARD remains VERY limited, surgeons are aware of those symptoms and they
have been aware since 1932!
Even if surgeons think they cannot offer
physical resolutions to our symptoms, they most certainly can discuss the
probability that our presenting symptoms could be the result of our surgical
history and offer us a peace of mind instead of sending us into a whirlwind
of confusion, self doubt and additional suffering!
Vagholkar report on "Post Surgical Adhesions"1932

Volume 43 No.3, July
Ketan R Vagholkar
Practising Surgeon; Dr. Vagholkar’s
Fracture and Accident Hospital, Thane - 400602
Adhesions have now become the leading cause
of intestinal obstruction. The diagnosis though being straight forward,
management poses a lot of problems due to the high incidence of recurrence.
The advent of laparoscopic surgery may alter the incidence of adhesions.
Despite the promise of laparoscopic surgery adhesions still continue to
be a major source of concern for surgeons not only because of technical
difficulties but also because of the volume of work they generate.
In the absence of any clinically proven means
of preventing adhesions from forming, the onus lies with the surgeon to
try and reduce their occurrence by improved and meticulous surgical techniques.
The clinical presentation of intestinal obstruction is well known to
all surgeons when the patient presents with a previous history of abdominal
surgery, the most likely diagnosis is adhesions.[10]
incidence of postoperative adhesive intestinal obstruction has been gradually
increasing over the last few decades. Vick in
1932 reported that adhesions accounted for 7% of all cases of
intestinal obstruction.[35] During the last
few decades the leading cause of intestinal obstruction was strangulated
external hernia.
The overall incidence of adhesive intestinal obstruction in 30% as shown
in the studies conducted by Nemir, Perry, Bevan and Mc Entee.[2],[23],[26]
Subsequent studies have revealed a steady rise in the incidence of intestinal
obstruction to the present day incidence of about 40%.[2]
Various studies have been carried out to assess the severity of problems
posed by adhesions. Weibel and Majno carried out a study in a post mortem
series to find out the incidence of adhesions.[21,22]
cadavers with no preceding abdominal surgery, adhesions were
in 28% and in those that had
abdominal surgery 67% had adhesions [21,22]
With other abdominal surgery the reported incidence
was 50%. If major surgery had been performed adhesions were present in
76% and in cases of multiple abdominal surgery 93% had adhesions.[18]
The incidence of adhesions has also been studied in living subjects.
Inflammatory adhesions in patients who has not undergone any preceding
abdominal surgery were found to be present in 10%. In patients who had
previous abdominal surgery postoperative adhesions were found in 93% and
inflammatory adhesions in 20%.[18]
In a review over the last 25 years it has been
shown that adhesions accounted for 1% of all surgical admissions and 3%
of all laparotomies in a particular surgical unit.[18]
is likely that although the incidence of adhesive obstruction is increasing,
it is doing so because more and more patients are being submitted to laparotomies
each year.[27]
Adhesions can be classified as either congenital or acquired. The acquired
type is further classified into inflammatory and post surgical. Of all
the types described majority of cases are postsurgical. Many studies have
been performed to study the time interval from surgery to obstruction.
As yet results are not conclusive. The incidence though difficult to be
determined is put forward to be 3% of all laparotomies for adhesive obstruction.[18]
All operations which involve handling of the viscera in the infracolic
compartment are more likely to produce adhesive intestinal obstruction
The possible explanation put forward for them is trauma to the small bowel
at the time of surgery.[7]
The anatomical distribution of all adhesions have been studied in various
studies.[33] The most common site for adhesions
were to the undersurface of the abdominal wound which occurred in 84% or
to the site of previous surgery in 58%.[14,15,16]
The omentum was commonly involved in adhesions to the scar (72%) and to
the site of previous surgery (22%). Adhesions from the small bowel to the
wound occurred in only 18% of wounds and from the small bowel to the site
of surgery in 16%.[14,15,16]
Adhesions which involved the small bowel alone occurred in only 8% of
cases. Overall the omentum was involved in 57% of sites for adhesions and
the small bowel was involved in 27% of sites. Adhesions between the small
bowel and the site of previous surgery caused obstruction in 52%. Adhesions
which involved the small bowel alone caused obstruction in 24%.[14,15,16]
If the distribution of these obstructing adhesions is compared with that
of any adhesions that develops after abdominal surgery, it is clear that
although omental adhesions are the most common adhesions to be found they
are at low risk of producing intestinal obstruction. Adhesions between
small bowel and other viscera or other loops of small intestine occur less
frequently but are far more likely to cause adhesive obstruction.
The omentum plays a protective role in adhesion formation. Adhesive
obstruction after total colectomy is well known. This is because the operation
involves, omentectomy and this will remove the organ that forms safe adhesions.
As a result it would leave adhesiogenic areas exposed to the small bowel
and will result in higher incidence of small bowel adhesions.
Another significant factor is a frequent practice to divide any adhesions
that are encountered. The division of adhesions which involves the small
bowel are at a high risk of later obstruction.
As yet there are no definite methods of completely preventing adhesions.
The two commonly used solutions that have anti-adhesive effects in animals
povidone iodine and 30% dextran 70.[13] Povidone
iodine is used by surgeons more for its antimicrobial action rather than
that of its anti adhesive effect.[11] Dextran
is a popularly used solution in gynaecologic practice to prevent adhesions
in infertility surgery.
The most important way of preventing adhesions
is by meticulous technique.
The following are a few operative steps which could be undertaken to
reduce the incidence of post operative adhesions.
Careful handling of the bowel to reduce serosal
Avoid rough unnecessary dissection.
Avoid contact of foreign material from the
peritoneum e.g. use of absorbable material as far as possible, avoid excess
use of guaze swabs, or wearing starch free gloves.
Adequate excision of ischaemic or infected
debris within the peritoneum.
Preserve the omentum as far as possible. Placement
of omentum around the site of surgery and run the omentum under the wound
to encourage low risk adhesions to form.
Avoid dividing adhesions which do not involve
the small intestines.
Adhesions producing intestinal obstruction usually require surgical
intervention in 30 to 60% of cases.[1,2,3]
Simple adhesiolysis is usually employed in those patients who require
surgery for adhesive obstruction. Recurrence rate after adhesiolysis is
11% to 21%.[5] In patients with recurrent
obstruction adhesiolysis is combined with a plication procedure or with
an insertion of a long intestinal tube.[6]
The plication procedures of Noble or Childs and Philips depend upon sutures
to hold the small bowel in a specific position so that further adhesive
obstruction cannot occur.[9] The long intestinal
tube is designed to hold the small bowel in a series of open loops until
subsequent adhesions form to maintain the bowel in position and then the
tube can be removed.[4] The noble plication
has a high incidence of complication hence it is abandoned.[24,26]
Although good results have been reported for the long intestinal tubes
its use should be confined to patients after division of extensive intraabdominal
If used after division of only a few adhesions
when the adhesions reform they may not be extensive enough to hold all
the small bowel in an open looped position and therefore will permit movement
and twisting of the bowel and allow subsequent adhesive intestinal obstruction
to develop.[2],[19]
Though there is a better understanding of the
mechanisms which lead to adhesion formation,yet
there is no pharmacological means of preventing the formation of adhesions.Peritoneal
trauma and ischaemia are potent stimuli for adhesion formation.
Von Benzer has demonstrated fibrinolytic properties
in peritoneum.[20] The
fibrinolytic activity is thought to be contained within the mesothelial
cell layer.[28,29] The
fibrinolytic activity has been identified as plasminogen activation.[30,34]
reduction in this activity is linked to adhesion formation. Changes in
plasminogen activator activity levels were shown to be due to stimuli well
known to cause adhesions and were particularly marked in the presence of
ischaemia. This reduction was not only due to removal of plasminogen activity
but also due to the release of plasminogen activator inhibitors present
during inflammation and ischaemia.[7,8,12]
This mechanism for adhesion formation supports
the use of fibrinolytic agents as anti-adhesion agents.[7]
The commercial production of tissue plasminogen
activator rt-PA by recombinant DNA techniques has permitted the study of
the use of this agent in adhesion formation.[21,22]
has been used to replace the reduced plasminogen activity of traumatised
peritoneum. The effectiveness of rt-PA as an anti adhesive has been confirmed
in animal models. Its effectivity in humans has still to be tried out.
But it appears to be the most promising agent. Laparoscopic surgery may
prove to be the solution to the problem. A study conducted by Luciano demonstrated
that when a stimulus is applied at open laparotomy in an animal it produces
more adhesions than when the same stimulus is applied through the laparoscope.[17]
The advent of laparoscopic surgery will undoubtedly
alter the incidence of adhesions developing after surgery. The reduced
bowel trauma from handling, the absence of large abdominal wounds and the
exclusion of foreign material such as starch and guaze from the abdominal
cavity will reduce adhesion formation after laparoscopic surgery.
It is possible that in the future these problems
may be reduced by some form of rt-PA peritoneal lavage after surgery that
will prevent adhesion formation or reformation.
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here to see:
Communications with Dr. Frank A. Hamilton,
M.D., M.P.H. Chief, Digestive Diseases Program, NIDDK Division of Digestive
Disease And Nutrition