Welcome to the website created by patients, for patients, about patients.

This site was created to provide persons afflicted with "Adhesion Related Disorder" with critically important information about medical mistakes, professional incompetence and misconduct that has been carried out by doctors and caregivers throughout the world and all affiliate practices.
This site will also allow ARD patients who have suffered physical or psychological harm from medical personnel to tell their medical nightmare stories to each other, and to the world. 
If places like, Enogyn, Germany, Dr. Richard Schlanger of Ohio State University Hospital-East, among MOST medical facilities and surgeons, won't admit or tell patients about their medical errors; we, the patients, in order to form a higher standard of care, will tell each other and do what the Federal and State governments have failed to do for the life, the welfare and the pursuit of healthiness of patients locally and across the nation. 

This site is my gift to all who visit here; the gift of life. 
Ask not what your Medical Center or Dr. can do FOR you; 
ask what can (and has) been done TO you.


If you would like to add a link to this web site please feel free to use this banner.

Offering Hope and Help to the Victims of ARD Worldwide


Do Men Get Adhesions?
Find out more click here

News and Views.-adhesions

Is "Adhesion Related Disorder" A Chronic Disease?
Click Here to find out

ARDvark Blog

Bev's Picture Trail has been updated
The trail continues....
Watch this area for updates!


Always under construction
 to get as much information out to you as soon as possible. 

Translate this site to your desired language.


Remember to bookmark this site and check back often.

The more web sites out there that talk
can only lead to

During "September Adhesion Awareness Month, why not create your own personal 
ARD web site? 


"2005 Validating Adhesion Related Disorder"
The following reports and web sites will benefit all victims of ARD at medical/surgical/disability appointments!

The SCAR-3 study: 
5-year adhesion-related readmission risk following lower abdominal surgical procedures

Surgical and Clinical Adhesions Research (SCAR)


 The largest study ever conducted showing the long-term, population-based frequency and effects of post-operative adhesions.

 Until now, studies on adhesions have been limited in size and scope, in part because complications resulting from adhesions often do not manifest for several years after surgery, and in part because investigators lack a non-invasive means of quantifying adhesion formation. The study published in the Lancet examined the frequency of complications from adhesions in more than 50,000 patients over a 10-year period.

 Press Release Distribution: 
September is Adhesion Related Disorder Awareness Month

Click link below to open and read.
 Progress in Awareness 2005 


September is Adhesion Related Disorder Awareness Month

September is Adhesion Related Disorder Awareness Month. Find out about ARD
                  before you have any surgery.

                  (PRWEB) September 2, 2005 -- Adhesions are internal scars that bind organs and tissues
                  that are not normally connected. Adhesions form as a result of trauma due to surgery,
                  infection, disease or other injury. Adhesions can distort and disturb body functions and
                  cause pain, intestinal obstruction and infertility, giving rise to a complex of problems,
                  collectively termed "Adhesion Related Disorder (ARD)" - Dr. David Wiseman, founder
                  International Adhesion Society.....

                  More.... http://www.prweb.com/releases/2005/9/prweb279356.php

Press Release: September is Adhesion Related Disorder Awareness Month

September is Adhesion Related Disorder Awareness Month

Find out about ARD before you have any surgery! 

  Adhesions are internal scars that bind organs and tissues that are not normally connected. Adhesions form as a result of trauma due to surgery, infection, disease or other injury. Adhesions can distort and disturb body  functions and cause pain, intestinal obstruction and infertility, giving rise to a complex of problems, collectively  termed "Adhesion Related Disorder (ARD)" - Dr. David Wiseman, founder International Adhesion Society

The rate of adhesion formation after surgery is surprising given the relative lack of knowledge about ADHESIONS among doctors and patients alike.  From autopsies on victims of traffic accidents, Weibel and Majno (1973) found that 67% of patients who had undergone surgery had adhesions.  This number increased to 81% and 93% for patients with major and multiple procedures respectively.  Similarly, Menzies and Ellis (1990) found that 93% of patients who had undergone at least one previous abdominal operation had adhesions, compared with only 10.4% of patients who had never had a previous abdominal operation.  Furthermore, 1% of all laparoscopies developed obstruction due to adhesions within one year of surgery with 3% leading to obstruction at some time after surgery.  Of all cases of small bowel obstruction, 60-70% of cases involve adhesions (Ellis, 1997). 


Lastly, following surgical treatment of adhesions causing intestinal obstruction, obstruction due to adhesionreformation occurred in 11 to 21% of cases (Menzies, 1993).

        Between 55 and 100% of patients undergoing pelvic reconstructive surgery will form adhesions.

Recent analysis of the latest US health statisticsby the International Adhesions Society (IAS) 
(www.adhesions.org) reveals that over 2200 people died in 2001 with a diagnosis of intestinal obstruction due to adhesions. This number has been consistent for five consecutive years with between 2100 and almost 2500 deaths per annum. Women account for a 60% majority of these deaths. 

In 2001 there were over in-patient 67,000 discharges with a primary diagnosis of adhesion-related
obstruction, with an average length of hospitalization of 9.8 days. With an average charge of some $32,000, this represents a cost to the economy of $2.15 Billion.
About two-thirds of these costs were borne by Medicare and Medicaid. 
  But this is just the tip of the iceberg. When other inpatient diagnoses of peritoneal and pelvic adhesions are added, the cost easily exceeds $5 billion, and that is before out-patient costs and loss of work are considered. 

Nearly 30% of the hospital discharges for adhesion-related obstruction occurred in the 45-64 age range, and 53% occurred in the 65+ age range. The most deaths (1196) occurred in the 45-64 age range, but as a percentage of the hospitalizations, the greatest risk of death (10%) occurred after age 85. 

 To our knowledge this is the first report to document the number of deaths related to adhesions, and serves to highlight the extent of an under-appreciated problem. Others have previously reported that a patient undergoing pelvic or abdominal surgery will be readmitted twice in the next 10 years for a problem related to adhesions, or for a procedure that could become complicated by adhesions. 

Given the extent and severity of ARD it is surprising that few people have heard of the condition. In a recent survey conducted by the IAS, patients reported that they were told about adhesions in only 25% of procedures they underwent. This number dropped to only
10% when procedures not known to involve adhesion surgery were considered. 

   The IAS strongly urges all patients to ask their doctors about ARD before undergoing surgery. The IAS also urges hospital and public health officials to ensure that adhesions are discussed as part of the informed consent procedures. By engaging in this discussion doctors will want to consider options for reducing the risks to the patient of post-operative adhesions. This will benefit not only patients, also the doctors who are faced with the sequelae of ARD. 

For more information please contact: 
                         Dr. David Wiseman, Founder, International Adhesions Society
6757 Arapaho Road, Suite 711-238, Dallas, TX 75248 
972- 931- 5596 

Click here for printable brochure

or click below to read

Please visit these site for advocacy news and general education.

International Adhesion Society
United Kingdom Adhesion Society
Adhesion Related Disorder

GynSurgery website


Accomplishments of the volunteers of the  following
ARD web sites!
Click here to view Accomplishments 

If your afflicted with ARD, or know someone who is, or just have it in your heart to help our cause, as with your voice joining ours, we will conquer this disorder and save others from living this life of hell!


And Clicking here is how you can do that...

Adhesion Awareness Day
Click here to read Bev's Thoughts ...


**A Strang Case of Munchausen By Internet**

Iatrogenic: What does this word mean.

Be wise, be YOUR OWN BEST Dr.!

Endogyn Facts Here:

"Adhesion Related Disorder International Humanitarian Human Rights Group.("IHRT") 
If adhesions cannot be "avoided" in a surgery at Endogyn, 
with the use of Spraygel
why go? 

For information on {Gasless} surgery at Endogyn, please go to these NEW web sites: 

   See more regarding the Abdolift here

Read more about 
"Abdolift" here

"The Endogate Papers
Exposing the facts of what goes on behind the doors of 
Endogyn, Emma-Klinic, Seligenstadt, Germany
Institut für Endoskopische Gynäkologie 
 Head: Daniel Kruschinski, MD

Click here to read 
"The Endogate Papers"

Bev's Opinion regarding Dr. Richard Schlanger of Ohio State University -East

Brief ARD stories, "Help Us Please!"  IS AVAILABLE NOW

ARD Proclamation Available now


ARD Patient Operative Reports


Watch for more subjects below as they become available!

Click below if you wish to view both types of printable brochures for your desired print out.
  • http://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/ARD-brochure-printpg1.html
  • http://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/ARDbrochure-v2.doc

  • and other printable material regarding ARD
    A} Step by Step direction to apply for SSI/SSDI Benefits:
    B} Outline for you to secure a "State Government Document for ARD Awareness"
    C} Fund Rasing Ideas for ARD Benefits
    D} State Resolutions we have already secured
    E} Starting a local ARD Support group
    F} Patients Bill of Rights
    G} Patients Responsibilities
    H}Read ARD brochure   Now available

    ARD Validation  for "Social Security" & "Medical Appoints"
    OUR voice DOES make a difference in getting ARD recognized!!!!
    THIS report is a MUST to take to your "Medical Appoints" and to add to your file for applying for "Social Security" as it validate that "ADHESIONS" are recognized at the natinal level as the eitiology (cause) of chronic adominal/pelvic pain!
    National Institute of Health
    World J Surg.2006 Mar 13;
    Laparoscopic Lysis of Adhesions.
    Szomstein S, Menzo EL, Simpfendorfer C, Zundel N, Rosenthal RJ.
    Bariatric Institute, Section of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Florida, 2950 Cleveland Clinic Blvd., Weston, Florida, 33331, USA, szomsts@ccf.org.

    Due to urgency,  you gotta go, gotta go, gotta go read now the
    New guidelines for severe or persistent constipation 

    This section is now under construction:
    Constipation and Adhesions 
    NIH Adhesion Study November 2005
    Adhesions What are they
    Bowel Obstruction

    Lots of medical stuff will go in here such as: Education and Awareness Medical/Surgical Information Regarding ARD issues Questions to ask your Dr. / SurgeonAdhesion Pictures 
    "Adhesion Barriers" which ones and why?
    Abdominal Pain: When To Operate and When Not To
    *See story
    Conflicting Opinions
    Is a Turf War Compromising Women's Medical Care?

    Excess Length of Stay, Charges, and Mortality Attributable to Medical Injuries During Hospitalization
    Report on "deaths" from ARD: Recent analysis of the latest US health statistics by the International Adhesions Society (IAS)

    "2005 Validating Adhesion Related Disorder" 
    The following reports and web sites will benefit all victims of ARD at medical/surgical/disability appointments!
    Validation of ARD Fact NOT Fiction:
    ARD Patient's Operatives and associated diagnostic reports with results:
     Shows progression of adhesion formation in subsequent adhesiolysis procedures

    Confused by HMO's?
    This Q&A that will not clear up any confusion, but at least it may give you a healthy laugh. Enjoy!!! 

    Victim Story added: Maria de los Reyes  a Port Authority lawyer

    2005 Accomplishments:
    NIDDK recognizes "Adhesion Related Disorder" DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
    FY 2006
    Progress made in education and awareness of Adhesion Related Disorder!
    Getting the message out.

    Now available
    memorials and other mortality information such as:
    death certificates, autopsy reports, obituary's, photos

    A} ARD Pins
    B} ARD Carry Bags
    C} ARD Bumper Sticker Contests with prizes
    D} ARD Banner quotes for the month...winner gets thier ARD quote up on the banner for a whole month
    E} Jokes...ARDchat times,etc
    F}"Diversional Visualization" with delusions of good fortune for ARD sufferers! Now available

    Warm a heart with FREE Ecards: 
    AngelEyes Card Shoppe

    Family Medicine on ARD, Family Support ideas, Planning an International Trip for medical or pleasure, Planning a cross country trip for meducal or pleasure

    Angel Flights, Americans with Disabilities ( Disabled Parking Cards) Now available
    Now Available
    Things Dr.'s have said to ARD patients Desperation, Pain and Sufferring of ARD patients:Pictures of adhesions and patients with scars and incisions, or just themselves, with family members, pets etc..  (real victims faces)

    Brief ARD stories, "Help Us Please!"  IS AVAILABLE NOW  "Funny, You Don't Look Sick!"
    government stuff...Pile of Bile:
    Letter TO: Dr. David Satcher, USA Surgeon General, Letter FROM : Dr. David Satcher, USA Surgeon General, Letter TO: Secretary Tommy Thompson of the Dept. of the USA HHS,
    Letter FROM Dr. Hamilton National Institute of Health, Letter TO Dr. Hamilton National Institute of Health
    ICD-9 Code FDA
    A National Medical Cover-up on ARD! 
    Assessing Health Risks in America 
    CDC Report
    Behavior Risk Factor Survellance System 1980
    Picture Trail Travel around the world with Beverly Doucette as she fights for the cause of 
    "Adhesion Related Disorder" escorts patients for medical intervention, sets precidents by being the first ARD patient invited to attend International Medical Congress's, Presents in Washington D.C., where she secures a meeting with The US Surgeon General, 
    Vice Admiral Dr. Richard Carmona and Dr. David Wiseman of the IAS, "Medical Symposium on Adhesions" at Wayne State University, Detroit Michigan 2001. IAS representatives Beverly J. Doucette (Wisconsin) & Augusta Sisler ( New York) attended this symposium. This was precedent setting as no lay people had ever been invited to a medical symposium as part of the audience.
    I'll share these pictures with you in hopes that they present to you my passion to impact this world as deeply with as many "benefits and changes for the better" as there are " dangers and impass's" for all those afflicted with ARD! These trips were at my own expense, and at times family members were able to join me, as did many of my ARD family. 
    Now available
    Everything You have always wanted to know about ARD, but were afraid to ask!
    This area will allow you the ability to ask any questions you may have via email However, PLEASE NOTE that we DO NOT give medical advice. The information provided is not intended nor is it implied to substitute any professional medical advice and services. Please seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider when starting any new medical intervention or with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. 
    A} Adhesion Barriers" which ones and why?
    B} See the "most comprehensive listing of surgeons throughout the world" who Bev thinks can offer the highest quality adhesiolysis..and why! 
    C} ARD Proclamation Now available
    D} Adhesion Related Disorder: Bev's talk to the Marinette Kiwanis Club
    Now available
    "I didn't give 'em hell, I told the truth and it FELT like Hell!" President Harry Truman

    If The Shoe Fits," wear it: 
    It is easy for anyone to stay out of this section." If you do not want to be challenged, don't DO IT!"Reporting on current issues in the world of ARD with no inhibitions or intimidation, including "her opinions" on MANY different subjects, but all surrounding ARD issues at the INTERNATIONAL level, including but not limited to the followingDr's and thier respective surgical procedures, Diagnosyics and Symptoms related to ARD, Medical/Surgical Facilities, "Adhesion Specialists" ( Are They REALLY?)Facts of post surgical adhesiolysis experiences, (real people, real facts,) Monitoring other ARD web sites both private and public for no other reason then to make sure that the victims of ARD do not conitnue to be victimized by anyone, no matter who they are!

    The information provided in this site is not intended nor is it implied to substitute any professional medical advice and services. Please seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider when starting any new medical intervention or with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition.  State laws prohibit the practice of telemedicine without licensure in each state.
    This Internet site provides links or references to other sites that are provided as a convenience to users of this site.
    Adhesionrelateddisorder.com has no control over the content of such other sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from that content.

    ©Beverly J. Doucette. 2004 All rights reserved.
    Home page: http://www.adhesionsrelateddisorder.com


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